Selasa, 17 April 2012

Yui Yokoyama X Question & Answer

"Yui Yokoyama X Question & Answer"

  • What have you been into?
I collect nice-smelling bathing soap. My favourite is Body Soap’s ‘Musk’.

  • What is your ‘treasure’?
People who are around me. Family. Friends.

  • What would you be doing, if you didn’t get into AKB48?
I wanted to go into Ondai (Ongaku Daigaku/Music School), so probably a student of music.

  • What’s your summer vacation memory?
When I was 3rd year in middle school, I was in the basketball club. During summer vacation, the training was tough. One day, my vision suddenly turned white, and I was down.

  • Who are your best friends in AKB48?
Kitahara Rie and Nagao Mariya. I hang out with Kitahara-san, playing on the swings at the playground, or just walking around (lol). As for Mariya, she was the first person to send me a congratulatory mail when I was promoted.

  • What was your dream when you were little?
A model. It’s a little embarassing (lol). It was my dream when I was in my 6th year of elementary.

  • Who (woman) do you aspire to?
My mother.

  • Where do you want to be in 10 years?
To fulfill my dreams of being a solo artist. A fortune-telling said ‘you will marry at 27 years old’! So maybe I will be a wife by then. ♥

  • Do you have a rival?
Myself. Because I always want to bring out my best.

  • When do you get excited?
When I eat delicious food!

  • What’s your charmpoint?
When I laugh, my dimples. People tell me I look like Nyanchau

  • What is the origin of your name?
The ‘Yui’ that ties people together

  • What were you like when you were young?
I always liked playing outside, so I was always dark from the sunburn.

  • What websites do you visit?
My hometown friends’ blogs! Kinda like ‘You’re working hard at university, aren’t you?’ Although I don’t really comment or anything (lol).

  • What’s your karaoke specialty?
Ikimonogakari’s ‘Sakura’.

  • What kind of fashion style do you have?
Marine-esque fashion, with sailor collars, I like that.

  • What fashion brands do you like?
‘earth music & ecology’. Recently I bought a one-piece dress and sandals.

  • What do you usually bring along with you when you’re out?
My cellphone and notebook. I bought my Snoopy notebook at USJ. No matter where I go, or what I do, I’ll write in it every day.

  • Since you entered AKB48, what’s been the best and worst thing that’s happened to you?
The best thing, the fact that I’ve been able to meet all the members, staffmembers, and fans. The worst, when I didn’t get picked for an AKB48 live performance, when only 4 out of the 9th generation kenkyuusei were selected. My name wasn’t on the lesson schedule, and I thought ‘maybe I’m on another day’. Then a mail from my manager came in, saying ‘work hard for the next one, ok?’. I got so down, I cried.

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